I'm loving my life...so I blog about it! :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Long Time, No Blog!

Hey there people!

It has been a while I will admit, but when spring break gets here I will definitely be blogging more. Blogging gives me the happiness of writing out my day right? Well, I am starting to question why I am even blogging...no one is following me and no one is reading. So, this is my plea to you America, READ MY BLOG! If you want to read something to make you laugh, read my blog.

So moving on to my normal life, I got nominated to go in this "smart people" book. Well, I for one thought..how in the heck did I get nominated to be in something like this??? Oh well, its nice to have someone think I'm smart, especially a teacher.

I have been sick over the course of 3 days. I am better now, but my pounding, pulsing, not being able to go to sleep headache is still with me. Sinus infections are not fun! Another bad thing about being sick is you have to take antibiotics to make you better. Well, my medicine is a huge pill. I feel like I'm swallowing a whole mini candy bar whenever I take it! No, no its not that bad, at least I can swallow it!

There is this one question that is unanswered for everybody that lurks in me. Why are people popular? As in school, work, or even at the church! This girl just transferred to my school from another school. She's only been here two weeks and she is already the most popular girl in school. What makes someone popular? The bleach blonde hair? The dark brown roots? The really noticeable fake tan? All of these are true, but what really makes someone popular? Leave a comment if you know!

NCAA Basketball! Enough said. That is all my father watches on TV now. Every time I come into the living room that's whats on.

Well, hope you have a great weekend!

Oh by the way, the fancy restaurant was AWESOME! I loved the food. Italian.....yum!

Love & Rainbows,
The Singer Who Is Short :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rich World!!!

Ello my friends.

I am going to dinner for my birthday...a little late, but it will do because we are going to a good Italian place. At first I was excited about this, but then I was looking it up on the Internet and it seems very fancy shmancy. Now you might not know I am what you call not so rich! I mean I have a good home and stuff but I'm not like super rich like all of those people.

So I told my mom that I didn't want to go anymore. Not for the purpose of us not being filthy rich, but because I am afraid I will feel out of place. Like there will be alot of rich people there and we would feel so lost.

Last week we tryed to go, but we couldn't because all of the "spots" were taken. Umm excuse me..I had no clue that we had to make reservations. SO we couldn't go last week. Anyways, were going this week and I'm not wanting to go.

Loserish as it may sound because I love love love Italian food, I don't want to go. Well expect another blog late tonight because I will blog about my fun times! Should I take pics??? Maybe so, but then they might think I am less classy than I already am!

Pray for me dear bloggers! Pray that this restaurant doesn't think I am the orphan Annie (OK that's a little drastic), but let them not look down upon me while I slowly shrink to the ground!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So So Sorry!

Hey bloggers!

I am so so very sorry for keeping you all waiting for a new blog! I have not blogged since February..and it still just March but that seems long to me! I have been so busy with school lately that I haven't really gotten the chance to do much blogging. When you take honors classes there is no escape from homework. There is alot of things to update on so here goes nothing!

Weight loss has gone down. I have been slacking off and hating my life. I'm not quite sure why, but I am kind of ready to get back on track with it.

My birthday has been here and gone. I am so tired.

Well, this was a short blog and sorry for that, but it was an update.

Love ya bloggers!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)