I'm loving my life...so I blog about it! :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cooking is like music...

Yet again I come here again to blog about Julia Child and Julie Powell.

I started watching the movie about and hour ago, and I had to pause it to do something. Now after this blog, I am going to finish it!

Perserverance is the key to what Julie Powell did when she went through Julia Childs cookbook.

I wish I had perserverance. If I did I would be able to do a lot more things than I do know.

If you couldnt tell by the title of the blog. I like to sing. I'm shy about it though. So, when Julie Powell pushed herself to do her best at finishing that cookbook. She did! Maybe I could get up on stage and sing for people.

Anyways, I wont bore you guys with another Julia Child/Julie Powell spill.

Today, I rented the movie "The Backup Plan". To summerize its about this women who thinks she cant find love so she goes and gets inceminated at the sperm donor bank, then when luck has it she meets the perfect man...blah blah they go through thier fights and then end up getting married.

It was the most amazing movie I have ever seen in this whole month. Then again I havent seen any movies this month.

Anyways, to tie it all together she could have had PERSERVERANCE to actually find a husband to have a kid with. In her case she thought she was doing the right thing. And she was, but she never thought she would find the right man after she got the procedure done.

I have blabbed to much for one night. Yet, all of it was about movies. HAHA!

Thanks for coming to my page! If your a new visitor, you should know I am crazy and sometimes get off subject...did I buy milk? See what I mean?

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer That Is Short :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I have no clue...

Hey there!

So I'm just sitting here and I'm like bored. So I got this great idea to blog! Since I haven't been on here in a while so I think you all deserve a few thoughts from me!

This summer has passed by so quickly. I can't even begin to tell you how much I will miss it when school comes around. How was your summer?

The reason I titled this blog "I have no clue..." is because I actually have no clue what to talk about on here! Hopefully, I will blog more soon and then maybe I will have subscribers!

By the way I have a twitter if anyone wants to follow me there...doodlebug1011 is the name! Tweet me!

So my new show that I like is on MTV. It's called If You Really Knew Me, where teen's from highschool's come together and basically describe what people dont see. It's great in all on that one day where people talk, but SERIOUSLY after one day all of the heartfeltness is over. At least at my school that would be situation!

Well, this was a crappy update blog!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer, Babies, and Love

Hey there bloggers!

What's up? Haven't typed in forever. So it is really late and i am having this...

inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.

Fun, huh? Yeah, not so much. Luckily I have things to catch up on here. By the way, I know I dont have any subscribers (which is fine!), but I just wanted to say I am blogging out of pure enjoyment! I love to write or in this case type! I know I am typing to absolutely no one at all, so if any of you old time bloggers who are champs at blogging, give me some pointers. I would really like an audience, just dont know how to get it!

Ok on to the topics. If you haven't noticed, I talk about 3 topics in each of my posts. This symbolizing my title of my blog, becuase the title has 3 things listed in it!

It's here! It's finally here! SUMMER! I don't know about you but I love the feeling of not having to wake up early! Sadly, I have summer reading. I have already started on the book, but I have been slacking on it. I mean it's summer who wanted to read a book for Honors English? It's a fairly good book. Better than the last one I had to read! How is your summer going?

Babies! That's all there is to it! My cousin (the one who I said was chasing me with a booger in my earlier blogs) has 2 new baby sisters. They are so cute! I still cant believe his mom gave birth to twins!

Love is in the air! Kind of. So every girl gets a crush! So WHAT! I like him. Alot. To bad he doesn't even know i exsist. Yeah, yeah i know what your going to say. "That's what all the girls say." Well yeah they do! I have talked to this guy may a times, but that was when he was in a club I was going to be in. Then, he said to me "It's not my thing, I'm dropping out." After he told me that we never talked a bit! So my mom keeps asking me about him and I'm like, "Mom, we dont talk anymore." UGG, love is confusing!

Well, hope you have a great summer. Just wanted to check up on things. I might delete my account, but I will see. Depends on if you subscribees come around and read my blog!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cooking, Hurting, and Glee-ing.

Hello there my dears!

It has been a weird and crazy week, but I am very much alive! Well, as you can see I have 3 topics to talk about in this post, and as I have stated above it will be crazy!

Cooking. As you know from my last post I was inspired by the Julie & Julia movie. Well, I really want to make Julia's famous Beef Borganion (however you spell it!) for dinner. Lots of ingredients are involved in this masterpiece!

I have many problems for this "project". 1) With all the ingredients in this there will be a pretty grocery bill 2) What if I burn it? Then I will have wasted my whole time 3) The time to cook it. 2 hours and 30 minutes. I am a full time student and how could I possibly take the time to carefully keep and eye on this.

Hurting. My shoulder kills! I went to the doctor and they have no clue what is wrong, but just to give you a sense I have pain radiating through my arm every other minute. Aleve 2 a day, doctor directed. Hot and cold compresses 15 minutes each and alternate.

Glee-ing. I absolutely love the show Glee. Well, and Cory Monteith :) ahhhhh so dreamy! All of the people in the show have awesome voices. Not so sure that the character Emma really sings her own parts, but whoever does it for her sounds exactly like she talks. I advise you to watch it. The show is great!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am beginning to realize why I blog.

I was just watching the Julie & Julia movie. Julie started off having no "followers" of her blog. Yet she still posted everyday about her journey through Julia Child's cookbook. She never gave up. Which I have done.

If you just sit down and think for a second about someone reading your blog. I am surely 1 out of a million bloggers in America. So how to people graze upon blogs like Julia's? She didn't have a intricate background or bright colors on her blog. So how do you catch people attention?

You would think that Julie Powell would have gave up after not having any followers. Oh no, she persisted and it eventually payed off. She started receiving hot sauce, canned foods, etc. from her fans off her blog. Well, maybe that's what I need to start doing. Have a little journey going through this blog? Maybe it might catch an eye..or two.

I haven't gotten any comments on anything, but that doesn't keep me from writing. So what if I don't have people following me or commenting on my posts. I write this blog for the pure enjoyment of doing something new. I've always wanted a blog, but never really knew what to write about. Now I do, Julie Powell inspired me to just keep writing about my thoughts and journey's through life.

Julia Child. She will never be forgotten. One of the most quirky women I have every seen on television. The way she talks, the way she stands, her expressions, are priceless. I am not going to do anything drastic, like cook through a whole cookbook. I think maybe I might try new things that I would never think of doing. Like, try squash (eww!). Even though I will probably spit it out.

I think for now this blog will just be about me. My journey through life and having my wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ here with me to get me through it.

It amazes me on what little things can inspire you. A movie was my inspiration. What things inspire you? You may be a full time mother or father or a hard working single law student, but you can rise to the occasion and try something new for a change. Julie Powell did, and frankly she didn't know if her job was at stake or even her marriage to go on her journey.

It can be something as simple as taking a walk in the park. Or, reading a book. Or maybe even going through all of Julia Child's cookbook! Whatever it may be take a journey for yourself. Do something! Have fun!

It's late, but I just had to share with you all at the moment while the subject was fresh on my mind!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Long Time, No Blog!

Hey there people!

It has been a while I will admit, but when spring break gets here I will definitely be blogging more. Blogging gives me the happiness of writing out my day right? Well, I am starting to question why I am even blogging...no one is following me and no one is reading. So, this is my plea to you America, READ MY BLOG! If you want to read something to make you laugh, read my blog.

So moving on to my normal life, I got nominated to go in this "smart people" book. Well, I for one thought..how in the heck did I get nominated to be in something like this??? Oh well, its nice to have someone think I'm smart, especially a teacher.

I have been sick over the course of 3 days. I am better now, but my pounding, pulsing, not being able to go to sleep headache is still with me. Sinus infections are not fun! Another bad thing about being sick is you have to take antibiotics to make you better. Well, my medicine is a huge pill. I feel like I'm swallowing a whole mini candy bar whenever I take it! No, no its not that bad, at least I can swallow it!

There is this one question that is unanswered for everybody that lurks in me. Why are people popular? As in school, work, or even at the church! This girl just transferred to my school from another school. She's only been here two weeks and she is already the most popular girl in school. What makes someone popular? The bleach blonde hair? The dark brown roots? The really noticeable fake tan? All of these are true, but what really makes someone popular? Leave a comment if you know!

NCAA Basketball! Enough said. That is all my father watches on TV now. Every time I come into the living room that's whats on.

Well, hope you have a great weekend!

Oh by the way, the fancy restaurant was AWESOME! I loved the food. Italian.....yum!

Love & Rainbows,
The Singer Who Is Short :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rich World!!!

Ello my friends.

I am going to dinner for my birthday...a little late, but it will do because we are going to a good Italian place. At first I was excited about this, but then I was looking it up on the Internet and it seems very fancy shmancy. Now you might not know I am what you call not so rich! I mean I have a good home and stuff but I'm not like super rich like all of those people.

So I told my mom that I didn't want to go anymore. Not for the purpose of us not being filthy rich, but because I am afraid I will feel out of place. Like there will be alot of rich people there and we would feel so lost.

Last week we tryed to go, but we couldn't because all of the "spots" were taken. Umm excuse me..I had no clue that we had to make reservations. SO we couldn't go last week. Anyways, were going this week and I'm not wanting to go.

Loserish as it may sound because I love love love Italian food, I don't want to go. Well expect another blog late tonight because I will blog about my fun times! Should I take pics??? Maybe so, but then they might think I am less classy than I already am!

Pray for me dear bloggers! Pray that this restaurant doesn't think I am the orphan Annie (OK that's a little drastic), but let them not look down upon me while I slowly shrink to the ground!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So So Sorry!

Hey bloggers!

I am so so very sorry for keeping you all waiting for a new blog! I have not blogged since February..and it still just March but that seems long to me! I have been so busy with school lately that I haven't really gotten the chance to do much blogging. When you take honors classes there is no escape from homework. There is alot of things to update on so here goes nothing!

Weight loss has gone down. I have been slacking off and hating my life. I'm not quite sure why, but I am kind of ready to get back on track with it.

My birthday has been here and gone. I am so tired.

Well, this was a short blog and sorry for that, but it was an update.

Love ya bloggers!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Weight loss...or not?

I have always felt I could use an extra pound or two...or ten. So I am wondering if blogging about my weight loss will help me stay on track and not back down, but where am I getting the support from, I have no followers. I guess just writing about it may help you get out what you feel.

Some things I am questioning about weight loss blogging:
1)People will get this picture in their mind that I am an overweight lazy bum( which by the way is not true. I am only 133.5 lbs.)
2) Would I be blogging for nothing and just typing to no-one?
3) Would it keep me on track and reach me to my goal?

I see so many people blogging about weight loss and I just want to ask them so many question about it. Like if it works and if it helps any, but this whole post isn't just about weight loss blogging. It's about my plan to lose weight...or not?

I think that the hardest part of losing weight for me is that I feel like I have to eat vegetables 24/7, but that's not the case. It's all about portion control, exercise, and eating the right foods. See that's where I get guilty, eating the right foods. I am a die heart fan of sweets. If I plan to lose weight I have to limit my sweets and that will be so hard for me! :( Especially since I'm a girl. We need our chocolate. Don't mess with our chocolate. Ugh, this will be hard for me.

I'm not a big fan of what you call "diet" foods, I guess. Vegetables are good for you, but why cant they make them taste good. Why can't veggies taste good? To me they taste like grass and leaves. Although some veggies taste like nature, there are some that I like. The one way I cannot eat veggies is raw. Blech! I'm just not all for the "crunch" of the stuff. I like them steamed and seasoned.

I'm not going to make this blog about weight loss, but I will give you updates at the end of my new posts on how I am doing.

Starting Weight: 133.5
Ending Weight: 110.0

Well, hopefully the goal above will be achieved and hopefully writing all this will get me pumped to shed the pounds and look good for the summer!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Birthdays, Boogers, and Bummers

Hey there!

It seems like I haven't written in a while..but it has only been a day! I guess when you want to become a blog person you kinda feel like this is your life...am I right? Or close to right? Nah? OK..

So today I went to a birthday party for my cousin who turned 3! My cousin is soon to be a big brother, and from what he says he seems pretty OK with TWINS..yes twins taking the spotlight from him to them. He is a crazy man and sometimes is a little whiny ( oh come on he's 3!) but I still love him!

Should I even explain the title..or get right into it? I already covered the birthday part so here goes the boogers!

My cousin, he must have been hyped up on sugar from his birthday cake because he decided to chase me. Not just your ordinary "I'm gonna chase you because it's fun." No. He decided to go a different route. That route would be called "Pick your nose and run after your cousin and try to wipe the booger off on her!" route. I know he's 3 but I even went to the extent of locking myself in the bathroom! He eventually settled down but after 10 minutes he resumed chasing me!

To explain the bummers part...
It's Valentines Day and of course I see everyone with their spouse all cuddly and crap. Valentine's Day is what I like to call..."Single Awareness Day." It's like if your not in a relationship, on Valentine's Day it's like you are walking around with an arrow pointed to you saying SINGLE,SINGLE,SINGLE! I guess it's nice seeing the older couples smooch and hug because it gives me confidence that I will find that someone who I can grow old with and have many Valentine's Days with.

Well, I hope you and your loved ones had a great Valentine's Day!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short :)