I'm loving my life...so I blog about it! :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cooking is like music...

Yet again I come here again to blog about Julia Child and Julie Powell.

I started watching the movie about and hour ago, and I had to pause it to do something. Now after this blog, I am going to finish it!

Perserverance is the key to what Julie Powell did when she went through Julia Childs cookbook.

I wish I had perserverance. If I did I would be able to do a lot more things than I do know.

If you couldnt tell by the title of the blog. I like to sing. I'm shy about it though. So, when Julie Powell pushed herself to do her best at finishing that cookbook. She did! Maybe I could get up on stage and sing for people.

Anyways, I wont bore you guys with another Julia Child/Julie Powell spill.

Today, I rented the movie "The Backup Plan". To summerize its about this women who thinks she cant find love so she goes and gets inceminated at the sperm donor bank, then when luck has it she meets the perfect man...blah blah they go through thier fights and then end up getting married.

It was the most amazing movie I have ever seen in this whole month. Then again I havent seen any movies this month.

Anyways, to tie it all together she could have had PERSERVERANCE to actually find a husband to have a kid with. In her case she thought she was doing the right thing. And she was, but she never thought she would find the right man after she got the procedure done.

I have blabbed to much for one night. Yet, all of it was about movies. HAHA!

Thanks for coming to my page! If your a new visitor, you should know I am crazy and sometimes get off subject...did I buy milk? See what I mean?

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer That Is Short :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I have no clue...

Hey there!

So I'm just sitting here and I'm like bored. So I got this great idea to blog! Since I haven't been on here in a while so I think you all deserve a few thoughts from me!

This summer has passed by so quickly. I can't even begin to tell you how much I will miss it when school comes around. How was your summer?

The reason I titled this blog "I have no clue..." is because I actually have no clue what to talk about on here! Hopefully, I will blog more soon and then maybe I will have subscribers!

By the way I have a twitter if anyone wants to follow me there...doodlebug1011 is the name! Tweet me!

So my new show that I like is on MTV. It's called If You Really Knew Me, where teen's from highschool's come together and basically describe what people dont see. It's great in all on that one day where people talk, but SERIOUSLY after one day all of the heartfeltness is over. At least at my school that would be situation!

Well, this was a crappy update blog!

Love & Rainbows,

The Singer Who Is Short